Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mid-Morning Hunger

I typically find myself staring at the clock around 11am wishing it were my 12:30 lunch break!  I sometimes wonder if I am going to make it or if I am going to faint from starvation during one of my lessons...!!!!  After the first month of school I realized that starving and being beyond hungry did not mix well with teaching so I developed a mid-morning slump reliever.

I have a five minute break between classes and I have learned that in that time I am able to have a quick celery snack.  When I was younger celery was a watery vegetable with little flavor but now a days it is my morning life saver.  I love to snack on celery with ranch dressing, it easily holds me over until lunch time.

Cutting up celery into bite size servings can be a daily time consumer.  Try meal prepping on a Sunday night and divided a head of celery into five equal portions that you can easily store during the week and grab when needed.  Also, ranch cups or hummus cups for on the go are perfect compliments to celery snacks.

Happy snacking!

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