Sunday, February 21, 2016

Good Morning Sunshine!

Most mornings I am jumping out of bed and rushing around to get ready for the start of the day only to realize that I need to quickly eat breakfast!!!  My options are...

1) A bagel with cream cheese
2) A pop-tart
3) A Smoothie
4) Completely skip the meal (yikes, absolutely not!!!!)

Luckily I have gotten into the habit of choosing option 3, a smoothie!  Every morning I set aside 2 minutes in which I can quickly make a nutrious smoothie that I can drink on my commute to school or once I get there. It has been a life saver for me!

Banana (Apple) Morning Power!
*1 large banana
*1/2 sliced apple (I only ever add this when I have a few extra minutes in the morning.  The apple does contribute to a sweeter flavor)
*5 individual almonds
*1/2 cup of almond milk
*6 tablespoons of non-fat vanilla Greek yogurt

**Blend on high for 30-45 seconds and you will have a ready to go breakfast smoothie that will keep you on your feet and smiling until lunch time or later**


  1. Wow! What a great idea! That smoothie sounds so good, maybe you can make one for me sometime
